Our Gutter Cleaning Method vs Other Methods

There are a few of ways of cleaning gutters – our way, which is a thorough gutter clean, by hand, leaving no mess behind. Then there are the other ways.

That’s NOT how WE Clean Gutters!

  • Gutter Cleaning From The Ground – With any equipment used here such as using a wet/dry vacuum, blower vac, pressure washer with a long wand or even a hose, how will anyone know if the completed job has been thorough, nobody can see into the gutter from the ground to ensure no leaves or debris remains? What evidence can be presented to ensure that gutters have been thoroughly cleaned? How will the leaves and debris be cleaned off the rooftop? What if you have a gutter guard product installed, how is the gutter cleaning going to be performed with a gutter guard product in the way? Although I like the idea of gutter cleaning from the ground as it is safer than working at heights, there are still many limitations with regards to performing a thorough gutter cleaning job.
  • Gutter Cleaning From The Rooftop – The Blower method of gutter cleaning to many gutter cleaning and maintenance handyman companies is the most preferred as it is quick and easy, but also is a messy method. If you try to blow out a wet gutter, you will get black sludge and moss over everything, staining sidewalks, walls, windows, landscape, and pretty much anything it comes into contact with. In fact, even if the gutters are dry, you will still have to clean up/rake/bag the leaves on the ground which some companies claim they will clean up and leave no mess. Even if the gutters were cleaned satisfactorily the downpipes could be become even more blocked solid by adding to more debris blown down them.
  • WET/DRY Vacuum Method – I like the thought of this method however there are some downfalls to this method as well. For instance the distance between roofing material and edge of gutter may be too narrow for the tube to be inserted effectively into the gutter for cleaning. You still have the problem with gutter guard installed, and will they remove the gutter guard and vacuum the sludge and moss inside the gutter? Will they be able to get to the back of the gutters to thoroughly clean them? Are they going to be able to vacuum the hardened soil from the bottom of the gutter for a thorough clean? Will they be able to vacuum the moss that sometimes gathers on a rooftop or even vacuum the debris that also gathers on a rooftop?
  • Hosing The Gutters Method – Water and hoses with people on rooftops do NOT mix. Water and people on ladders yanking on hoses do NOT mix. Gutters being gernied can blast right through gutters that look good on the outside but are weak and rusted on the inside.

How Will AllCoast Gutter Cleaning Clean My Gutters?

AllCoast Gutter Cleaning will clean the gutters by hand from the rooftop so we can see nothing has been missed. AllCoast Gutter Cleaning will lift your gutter guard product and clean the gutter beneath the gutter guard and reinstall it. AllCoast Gutter Cleaning will take photo evidence of the work performed to ensure you are 100% satisfied as we have nothing to hide. AllCoast Gutter Cleaning cleans gutters by hand to ensure we get all leaves, debris, moss and sludge from your gutters and will clean the back of the gutters as well. AllCoast Gutter Cleaning leaves no mess or stains on your house or anywhere below from the method we use to clean the gutters making us the most thorough and cleanest gutter cleaners out there.